Thanks for stopping by!

All the brochures and all the placards are packed up and have been brought back to Hamburg, and now that we’ve had a chance to catch our breath and collect our thoughts, we’d like to say one thing to all our partners, interested passers-by and end-users: thank you!
Frank, Stephie and I had a lovely time in Frankfurt, shaking lots of hands and swapping recent news and strategy with our B2B partners and colleagues, old and new. We especially appreciated getting the chance to talk about our BACS Battery Management System and the newly patented SMARTLOGGER and how they figure into a well-managed datacentre framework – protecting and sustaining the value of the customer’s battery assets.

We also had the pleasure of celebrating GENEREX’s 30th Birthday – 30 years in the industry, representing German and American engineering, development and manufacturing! Some of you may have had the chance to snag one of our special edition “Battery Eagle” pins, a celebratory token from us to you for the occasion.
Some of the datacentre service providers and builders themselves dropped in to say hello and express their appreciation for our products – a real treat! As a B2B supplier we don’t have the opportunity or explicit desire to talk to such “end-users” – we prefer that our interests be represented by our B2B partners “in the field”, who are so very adept at developing and nurturing such contacts – but it is nonetheless thrilling for us to hear about the success and value of our products “from the horse’s mouth”.

We’ve got the taste for trade shows again, now – our “dander is up”! – so keep a sharp eye out for updates in our Newsletter or directly here on the website for information about our next event.
We’ll see you there!
Until then, from sunny Hamburg, I’m wishing you all well.
James May
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