Adapter card for UPS simulators
The advantages that a simulator brings with it cannot be denied - at the latest when you want to test typical "worst case" scenarios and, of course, whether the configuration of the WEBMANAGER works as expected with an operating scenario that would normally destroy a UPS.
But even in less crucial cases you can do a lot with a simulator:
Employer training
Presentations for sales staff at customers.
Pre-configuration according to customer requirements
Rapid on-site tests for troubleshooting
And much more …
There are many reasons to choose a UPS simulator.
Where can you get this simulator software?
The simulation software itself is available for most UPS manufacturers on request and can use this adapter to generate any type of UPS alarm without risk testing.
When do you need slot adapters?
While the external CS141 can be connected directly to the COM port of a computer with an RS232 port, it becomes difficult with a slot card (Budget, Professional, Mini), because it is supplied with power via the UPS insert - one of them A slot card cannot be "just" connected to the COM port of a computer.
Slot Adapter Simulator

Power: External Power 12 V 1000mA
COM-Ports: 1